Functions Of The Body
by Disco Jaques Strappe

We cough
we wheeze
we snort
and sneeze
we sweat
you bet
we smell
oh well

Functions of the body
you might think it's naughty
no reason to get haughty
it's just functions of the body
(get funky now)

We burp
we pee
we need
we shit
and spit
and that's 
not it

Girls get
real wet
guys get
real hard
did I
say yet
that's my
favorite part

my functions
girl, your functions
in conjuunction

gimme dat funk
I'm a steaming hunk
gimme dat funk 
so full of spunk
gimme dat funk 
come get a chunk
gimme dat funk 
too bad it stunk
gimme dat funk 
let's go get drunk
gimme dat funk 
then find my bunk