Since You've Been Gone (descending blues)

Well you left me 
high and dry
after we smoked that last joint you just
up and said good-bye
You know I'm sorry 
for everything I said
Won't you come on back to me little girl
don't let it get on your head

Since you've been gone
I hardly know how to carry on
Won't you please come home
with the dope

Sitting here watching
the late late show
turn down the volume
put on the radio
You know, I could almost stand it
(I mean being alone)
if you could see it in your heart
to send my fucking stash back home

Since you've been gone
I hardly know how to carry on
won't you please come home, baby
with the dope

I just cry all the time 
when I think of the past
I knew when I met you mama, it would
never last

Really miss my marijuana, girl
love that grass
so won't you get your ass back fast
with the stash

Since you've been gone
I hardly know how to carry on
it's the mean descending blues
oh, you done me wrong