Wrappin' Houses

I was on my feet
we was walkin' down the street
wonderin' what we'd meet
you know we can't be beat
we just kept on goin'
blowin' and goin'
wantin' somethin' sweet 
it was trick or treat

Me and my partners had a plan
gonna ring the doorbell of the candyman
when he opened up we'd hold out our hands
he'd give us some treats and we'd start to dance
like this

But hey yo mama now what a drag
the mother put nothin' in our bags
I was just about to cut the guy some slack
when he started talkin' about my rags
he said "Hey what are you supposed to be?
A convict in the cell on his hands an knees?"
Home boy might not like my costume 
but I'll till you right now I don't wear no perfume
It sound to me like he called me a fag
I got real mad and decided to be bad
I said "Hey sucka, you the one on the floor"
but he just laughed and slammed the door
We came for candy, expectin' plenty
but we got nothin' 'cause we's way past twenty

We walked to the curb, I said "What a dick!"
He's absurd, he's gonna get tricked
I knew just what we needed for this caper
I reached down in my bag and got the toilet paper
I was feelin' mean, it was Halloween
that was the craziest man I'd ever seen
to shut us out without no treats
you know he deserves just what he gets
I said to my partners don't leave yet
'cause this home boy didn't past the test
we got some candy from all the rest
we gotta leave a mess outside his nest
take this roll, throw it over this tree
when he wakes up in the mornin'
he'll be mournin', you'll see
'cause he'll see toilet paper instead of leaves

We was wrappin' wrappin' wrappin' houses 
If you catch us get the water hose and try to douse us
All you ladies take off your blouses
and watch for the movement in my trousers

like this

("Hey man, what is that in your pants"
"Looks like a washed up fish floppin' 'round on the beach!")