Whoa Man

Is she too young?
It doesn't matter at all
If there's grass in the outfield
let's play ball
She said "Let's be friends"
like she could bring
something else besides
that one thing

You get me started and leave too quick
That ain't no way to earn my respect
Do you think you can give me fits?
You ain't even got no tits

I ain't lip syncin'
When I'm talkin to you
(I'm really playin 
this git-tar too!)
Explain to me one more time how
I'll respect you in the morning
when I don't respect you now

Look here baby
can't you see
I ain't had pussy
since a pussy had me
You know I like 
the way you flirt
Bend over again and 
I'll look down your shirt

I take care of you 
and do your bidding
because I like your company?
You must be kidding
If I could find some other way
to take care of this log
you'd be lower on the 
caste system than dogs

Make me listen
to this schlock
like when you say
"We've got to talk
Blah, blah, my feelings,
where is this relationship going
blah, blah, I want some chocolate..."
Then you start bringing up
your old boyfriends

Some day I'll find someone 
who doesn't act like you
but until that day
I guess you'll do
Now get out of the way
how can I see
with you between me
and the TV?